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Your Phone Calls Can Hear Someone In Such A Way, Keep Alert.

Your Phone Calls Can Hear Someone In Such A Way, Keep Alert : Anyone can hear all the things by sending a single SMS to your smartphone. It's amazing to hear surprises. Actually there is an app on the Google Play store that lets users listen to all the other smartphones. The secret thing of this secret agent is that, you are not listening to what you are listening to. However, the person who wants to listen to this will need to install the TickleMyPhone app on the phone.
#Apuse Usage Process

- After installing the App, only one SMS will be required for the mobile phone to be heard.
Suppose, the user has installed the app in a handset and has to listen to all the things on the B handset.
- You must have an SMS from A to B handset.
After the SMS arrives, the call that comes to A handset can be heard on the B handset.
- If the call is disconnected then the A handset will be re-sent from the B handset.
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